Change can be a hard concept to handle, yet we have to do it throughout our whole lives. There are times that we have to switch jobs. We move homes, cities or states and there is a change in the environment. Relationships change and we have to adapt to our…
Dealing with Stress – What’s the Risk?
Effects of stress. I recently read the book, ‘You are the Placebo’ by Dr. Joe Dispenza. He described how stress knocks your body out of balance. It causes physical, chemical & emotional effects. Stress activates our fight or flight instinct, including elevating your heart rate and blood pressure. These effects…
Breaking a New Year’s Resolution – What’s the Risk?
As the New Year comes upon us, so many resolutions will be made. It’s what we do. New Year, New me….right? We eat the 12 grapes for good luck. We wear red underwear for love. Clean the whole house to get rid of negative energy. We make New Year’s Resolutions. …