Abundance Mindset vs. Limiting Beliefs

Abundance Mindset vs. Limiting Beliefs

I was excited to write about this topic because it is something I am actively working on, achieving an abundance mindset. Let me stress that I am working on it. I have not fully accomplished it. But as I become aware of my thoughts and work on gaining the abundant mindset, while reducing or even eliminating limited beliefs I’m proud of myself because it is a huge feat in itself. For most of my life I was unaware of the barriers I placed on myself. I was unaware of the possibilities and dreams I will achieve.

It’s funny how one thing after another can lead to such an amazing journey. Mine started when my uncle gifted my husband a book called “Think & Grow Rich”. It sat in our basement for years, we even donated it when we made our out of state move. But for some reason I still remembered that book. So during my transition period after our move down, I downloaded it as an audiobook. Since we were in a transition period, I had not started my new job yet, and I had some ‘extra’ valuable time. I started running a trail by our apartments while listening to the book. This may have been my first introduction to cultivating an abundance mindset.

I didn’t really realize all of that yet.  What I did come up with though was the idea to create this blog.  Honestly lots of ideas started flooding to me, this blog, I’ll create an app, I’ll write a book one day etc.  So I started with the blog.  As I worked on my blog and sought out more information, I found myself in a community of amazing women thanks to good ol’ social media.  Through this community I was able to immerse myself of new knowledge through podcasts, webinars, and book recommendations (that I actually read! If you know me personally, that’s a shocker).  I was learning.  I was growing.  And I was loving every moment of it.

What is a Limiting Belief?

Throughout our day, we often create limiting thoughts that we tell ourselves. As we think them over and over, we begin to actually believe them. Our experiences growing up creates the thoughts and beliefs. Our environment, our family, our schooling, our work and the people we around create the thoughts and beliefs. It’s not bad on our part that we have these thoughts and limiting beliefs. It’s very normal. Don’t beat yourself up for having them. Instead just aim to recognize them. Sit with those thoughts and think about why you’re having them. In what way can you shift those thoughts to allow yourself to be happier in your situation?

I also think there are levels of our thoughts and beliefs.  There are the many day to day thoughts:

  • When you’re getting ready for the day and look in the mirror, what are you thinking?  If it’s not kind, try to recognize that and do your best to change it.
  •  Just completed a presentation for work and when it’s over your thought is – ‘well that sucked’.  Did it?  Or is that just your limiting belief? 
  • Had a rough day with the kids and thought to yourself – ‘I’m just not good at this parenting thing!’  Really?  Or was it truly a rough day that humans are allowed to have, and your little humans will completely forgive.

Then there are the higher level limiting beliefs.  Your thoughts that you have to do and act how society, your family and now you expect of yourself.  What do you actually want though?  You think you have to get married, start a family, get a ‘stable’ 9-5 and live out your life in orderly fashion.  Which is great if that is truly what you want.

Do you actually want to add traveling to various countries to that plan but think, I could never get the time off or I can’t afford it?  Do you have an idea to create an event planning business but never move forward because it could fail and who are you to create a whole business from scratch?  These are bigger ideas that quickly get squashed from our mind, because there are so many thoughts we have in why it could never work out.

What is an Abundance Mindset?

An abundant mindset is truly believing that there is enough for you.  Some look to the universe, God, or a higher spirit and have faith that it will provide.  As I embrace the abundance mindset, I find myself thinking more often, ‘Why NOT me!?’  As the saying goes, we all put our pants on one leg at a time.  No one is more special than you.  No one deserves more.  We are all deserving of what we want.  Allow yourself to believe that.  Allow yourself to want more.  It’s ok.  It’s actually exciting to allow your mind to think of the possibilities.  I challenge you to push the limits and give yourself time to think of all that you want in life.  I recently encouraged a client of mine to do this and told them to write down what comes to mind, regardless of the many barriers that may pop up.  This is hard to do.  But get a little crazy, grab a pen, and allow yourself to dream big.        

 ‘Fortune gravitates to those with the mindset prepared to attract it’ 

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Why should I put effort in this thought work?

As you allow yourself to complete some mindset work, stay open to the idea.  Do your best at it.  The experience is worth it.  And if you give it an honest shot, and you don’t feel like it’s helping you, well there was no harm done right.  So why not give it a try.  Because if it does work, you could be finding increased serenity, accomplishing things you never thought you could and find yourself filled with real happiness.

“Stepping out on Faith is greater than sitting in on Fear”

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

How can I decrease my limiting beliefs & Increase the abundance mindset?

After reading this article, it’s safe to say, you are already on your way there.  By becoming aware of your mindset, you will start to recognize those limiting beliefs and thoughts.  As you recognize them, make an effort to alter them in a way that will bring you more happiness.  Notice I said to make an effort to alter them.  They will not be eliminated.  There will be times that you simply can’t find a way to alter them.  Just keep trying.

Abundance mindset requires persistence. And since it may be a continued journey through your life, it is important to enjoy each moment along the way. Soak in the little moments of joy. My grandmother amazes me with her ability to fully enjoy the small things in life. The changing of the colors or fall leaves, a bright full moon, a delicious meal. Each time she encounters them it’s as if it was her first time ever having such a wonderful experience. She is full of joy and so appreciative of what she is encountering in that very moment. To live in that way, is to truly live!

Yes, we will still want more.  Set goals and work towards them.  You deserve that.  We also will face struggles and hardships of life and need to feel our emotions.  We are allowed to.  Then ultimately it is your decision how your journey continues.  It’s your decision how that journey feels.  I hope it brings you an abundance of health, wealth & happiness.