How to Manage Stress When Kids are Sick

How to Manage Stress When Kids are Sick

When our kids get sick, it creates layers of stress levels.  Honestly, when any loved one is sick, the stress and anxiety arises.  This article will hone in on being a mama with sick kids, since that’s personally what I need to manage frequently.  That feeling of stress comes up because we hate to see our babies not feeling well.  As their mama, we want to be able to make them feel better instantly.  Unfortunately that’s not always possible. We do our best to comfort them, follow doctor’s orders and hope they recover sooner than later.  That time in between their recovery can be challenging for them and you.

The other layer is that once those kiddos get sick, it throws a large wrench into our day to day routines. They can’t go to school/daycare which may require parents to miss work or other obligations. Perhaps plans had been made, which need to be cancelled. The changes are made because of course our kids health comes first, but it doesn’t mean there isn’t also stress associated with it.

So what can we do to manage this stress and anxiety that is sure to come when our kids get sick?

  1. Talk about it. Find other mamas who most likely are also dealing with similar scenarios. Knowing you’re not alone and just talking about how you’re feeling is a big stress reliever.
  2. Find your in the moment stress reliever. What easy and simple activity can you do that works for you? Here are some examples I like to use-
    • Deep breathing exercises. I love breathing exercises because it can be done anywhere. Get some oxygen in and remind yourself, it is going to be ok.
    • Mindless TV, use your phone if your little one is hogging the tv themselves. Snuggles and TV never hurt anyone. Honestly when there’s nothing else to be done, this helps me pass the time so I stop worrying so much. Distraction can be a good tool.
    • Step outside for fresh air and a quick walk if you can. It’s ok to take a moment.
  3. Build up your foundation. Our kids will get sick, it’s just a matter of time. Do your best to take care of yourself routinely. When you build your foundation, you’re better quipped to handle the stressful times coming your way.

Take care of yourself so you are able to care for them. The airplane oxygen mask comparison fits perfectly here. Put your mask on first. Take care of yourself first. We know our kids will be sick at some point, probably more often than we’d ever like. So keep up with your needs so you’re prepared to handle their when the time comes.

Sending lots of healthy vibes to you and your babies!